2024 Pierce County Fair Youth Market Sale!
The Pierce County Fair Foundation is bringing a Market Sale to the youth of Pierce County Fair! Our goal is to walk alongside our youth as they learn to produce a superior product for buyers while learning valuable life skills along the way. With generous community support and show sales, we can continue to give back to the Fair and the next generation of young farmers. With continued commitment from our sponsors, we are excited to continue the program's growth and provide opportunities for youth to learn and grow in the community.
Who can participate?
Exhibitors 21 years of age or under and actively caring for the animal(s) exhibited as a 4-H project, FFA farming project, or Open Class.
What type of livestock will be shown & sold?
Steer, sheep, hogs, meat chickens, turkeys, meat goats & meat rabbits.
How to participate?
Youth who are raising a market animal must:
- Submit a "Notice of Intent" to the Market Committee by the May and June deadlines. (See the Exhibitors page for details).
- Complete and post a project Summary Sheet on your pen at the Fair (Found in the Project Record Book.)
- Sign -up for Fair and the Market via FairEntry.com
- Weigh in and show your project at Pierce County Fair
- Participate in the Market Auction
When is the actual auction?
The sale will take place on the Saturday of the Pierce County Fair at 6 pm.
The Fair Foundation and Market Committee are working hard to support the working youth of Pierce County. If you are interested in joining our planning committee, please contact us!